When it comes to bathing you don’t need to bathe your baby every day. You just need to make sure that your baby is clean and dry.
For new parents, their baby’s first bath is a big deal. So it helps if someone experienced is with them while they give their baby its first bath. Even if you don’t have anyone experienced with you to show you how it is done, you should not worry about it. Most often hospital nurses will instruct you on how to bath your baby for the first time.
While bathing your baby start with your baby’s face and work your way down from the neck, hands, and then finally the diaper area. Make sure to do it in that order. While bathing give special attention to your baby’s skin folds. Bath time should be relaxing for your baby, so make sure to smile, talk, and sing while bathing your baby. Also keep eye contact with your baby. Make it as playful and relaxing as you can.
Here are certain instructions that you should keep in mind while bathing your baby:
* Keep the temperature of your hot water below 49°C (120°F). Anything above that can cause burns.
* Room temperature should be between 22°C (72°F) to 27°C (80°F)
* Bathe baby in the sink, a basin, a baby bathtub, or a bathtub.
* Keep a towel ready next to wherever you’re bathing your baby so you can immediately lay your baby on it and dry it.
* While bathing your baby remember to keep at least one hand on your baby at all times. Leaving them unattended, even for a minute, can be dangerous as they could slip and hurt themselves or even drown.
* Make sure the bath water is lukewarm by dipping your elbow in it.
* Before starting the bath put everything you need near you, within your reach.
* When washing your baby, go from cleanest to dirtiest. Start from the eyes and face then neck, hands, and feet, and then finally the diaper area.
* If you want to apply any oils to your baby do it after you have bathed your baby. You don’t want to drop your oily and slippery baby.
Eyes and Face
* Only use lukewarm water to wash your baby’s face.
* When you’re wiping the eyes wipe from the inner to outer corner.
* Do not use cotton swabs as they can be bad for your baby’s delicate tissues.
* Use a soft cloth to wash your baby’s ears. And while cleaning the ears only clean the outer parts. Digging too much into the ear canal can cause hearing problems for your baby
* Since babies start growing their teeth only after 6 months you can’t use a brush. Use a soft and clean cloth to wipe your baby’s gums every day.

Scalp and Hair
* Use a mild baby soap or a baby shampoo to wash your baby’s scalp and hair. Lather and rinse well with lukewarm water.
* A Rusty scalp is usually a sign of a cradle cap, which is caused by the buildup of excessive oil on the scalp. Use a small amount of non-perfume oil and wash it off with baby shampoo.
* Once you’re done bathing your baby, place your baby on a towel and gently pat dry. You could rub baby moisturizer on your baby if your baby has dry skin. Keep a clean set of clothes ready for your baby to change into after the bath.
Bathe with your Baby
* Babies can find baths stressful. To make it easier for them an adult can bathe with them. One adult can pass the baby in the bath with the other adult and once the bath is finished the adult can pass the baby back to the other. This way the baby will cry less and feel safe.