Watching your newborn peacefully drinking milk is a really cute sight to behold. A well-fed baby is a happy baby. And a happy baby is a pleasure to do a photoshoot with. Newborns will get hungry pretty often since they go through a growth spurt between 1 to 3 weeks and another between 6 to 8 weeks. And when newborns are hungry they get fussy. Feeding them before the photography session will calm them down and get them ready for the session.
What to feed your newborn?
For the first few months, all the baby needs are breastmilk and baby formula for their nutrition. So when you’re bringing your newborn for a photography session bring lots of breast milk in a bottle and baby formula. If you want to you can even feed your baby here. I can give you space and privacy to feed your baby. You should also bring extra diapers and wipes to clean up your baby.

Feeding your Newborn
Give your newborn a quick meal a few hours before the photoshoot. Don’t give them a full meal. You can give your newborn quick meals if they start making a fuss. Give them a full meal followed by cuddling and burping them, a few minutes before the photoshoot.
Once the newborn is well fed and sleeping peacefully he or she is ready for the photoshoot. Bring an extra bottle of milk and formula just in case the little one starts crying for food. Remember, a well-fed baby is a happy baby.